Saturday, November 3, 2007

Walter E. Macpherson, MD, 1899-1996

Walter E. Macpherson, MD,

Picture from the April 1947
"The Medical Evangelist"

Walter E. Macpherson, MD, 1899-1996

1924 Graduated from the College of Medical Evangelists

1926-36 Served the School of Medicine CME/LLU as instructor

1942-48 President CME

1951-54 President CME

1954-62 Professor and Dean

Walter E. Macpherson, former CME/LLU president, dies at age 96

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Walter E. Macpherson, MD, died in Glendale, California, on April 29 at the age of 96. He served the College of Medical Evangelists/Loma Linda University for 48 years, as professor of physiology and medicine; chair, department of medicine; dean of the School of Medicine; vice president for medical affairs; and president of the institution.

He was born in Wadsworth, Nevada, on December 19, 1899. He attended school in Sparks, Nevada, before taking premed at Pacific Union College in Angwin, California. After receiving his degree from the School of Medicine in 1924, Dr. Macpherson interned at the Los Angeles County Hospital. After completing his internship and a year of post-graduate study at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, he began his teaching career at Loma Linda in 1926.

He was soon made assistant dean of the School of Medicine and was also seeing patients. In 1936 he was asked to be associate dean on the Los Angeles campus, and was also on staff at the Los Angeles County Hospital. Dr. Macpherson served as president of the College of Medical Evangelists from 1942-48, and again from 1962-67. He served as dean of the School of Medicine from 1954-62, and chair of the department of medicine from 1939-52. He was vice president emeritus since 1967.

In 1963, Dr. Macpherson participated in the founding of the Walter E. Macpherson Society and generously lent his name to the organization and its efforts to raise funds for the support of the School of Medicine. He served on the board of the Walter E. Macpherson Society since its inception.

He was the first graduate of LLU to become president of the Los Angeles Academy of Medicine, and the first to be certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine after its establishment in 1937. He was president of the Alumni Association of the College of Medical Evangelists in 1931-32, and again in 1939-40. Dr. Macpherson was named School of Medicine alumnus of the year in 1948, and University Alumnus in 1971.

Walter E. Macpherson Society

Founded in 1963, the Walter E. Macpherson Society was the dream of Drs. Harriman F. Jones '37, Louis L. Smith '49, Leland R. House '34, and Roger W.Barnes '23. These four doctors organized and promoted the new Society within the Alumni Association.

Dr. Macpherson's name was chosen for the Society because he epitomized the ideal of a dedicated physician in his service to the School of Medicine and his students.

  1. To promote the advancement of the undergraduate and graduate teaching programs through financial support to the School of Medicine.

  2. To foster and strengthen unity and loyalty among the School of Medicine Alumni and friends.
More Information on the Macpherson Society


Friday, November 2, 2007

Milton Murray

Milton Murray

Riverside, CA-“With the force of a speeding train, he directs, coordinates, cajoles, and provides a great deal of love to several hundred Adventist universities and schools, hospitals, and medical centers. He has the magnificent countenance of a swan—to the view of all, majestic and calm. But below the surface, paddling like crazy!” writes Jerold Panas of Milton Murray is his book Born to Raise, What Makes a Great Fundraiser; What Makes a Fundraiser Great.

Milton Murray received an honorary doctorate of humanitarian service from La Sierra University at Commencement June 13, 2004. “This is a great honor. A great event in a persons life that he obviously did not anticipate, plan for, or expect,” says Murray. “You realize that you apparently have done something that got the attention of the system.”

“The real value of receiving an honorary doctorate is reduced to helping academicians and educational institutions sit up and take notice that philanthropy has a very important role in education,” adds Murray.

Murray has dedicated his professional life to medical and educational advancement. He established several public relations and development programs, and capped his career by serving 20 years as Director of Philanthropic Services for Institutions (PSI) at the Seventh-day Adventist world headquarters in Washington, D.C. It was with PSI that he helped nurture philanthropic endeavors among more than 100 Adventist institutions internationally.

“My claim to fame is that I am a nobody,” says Murray. “Being a nobody was how I got things done. I would whisper suggestions and write memos urging the right people.”

Murray was hired right out of college with Loma Linda University as their first Public Relations professional in 1949. He had 10 interviews including the board chair, hospital administrators, and several deans. He was only hired for four months, the first two part-time and he also worked part-time with the San Bernardino Sun for two months to supplement his income. He worked at Loma Linda University for 12 years.

While at Loma Linda University Murray organized a 50th anniversary celebration. “I was glad we did what we did,” says Murray. “But we goofed. We should have had a committee of people raising money for the event. The chairman then called and named me Director of Development to start in 2-3 weeks.”

Murray says what has changed the most is the resources for philanthropic professionals. “Today there are 35 books, all good in varying degrees that could help any young person today,” says Murray.

One of the many challenges that Murray established about 25 years ago was the Business Executive Challenge to Alumni or BECA. The General Conference Office of Education said that they needed $50 million—right then. Murray said that amount was a little out of his league and then went to attend a meeting with Oakwood College and the Bush Foundation in Atlanta, Georgia. The meeting talked about challenge grants with alumni and how the process worked.

“Adventists were zero in alumni giving. I went up to the speaker and asked how much money I needed to get something like this started for 10-12 colleges,” says Murray. The man said he needed $2.5 million and Murray went back to DC with an idea is his head to set this up at each Adventist college. “I started asking several organizations for funds including the General Conference and the larger union offices. A secret to fundraising is to get nipping at small chunks.”

Murray went to several other donors and raised the $2.5 million starting BECA. In 1979 when BECA began the Adventist colleges were probably raising $400,000 from alumni in total says Murray. Now they are bringing in $200-$300,000 at each institution annually from alumni.

“I’ve enjoyed being a nobody,” says Murray. “I have never been a Vice President. I’m a creator of VPs.”

During his professional career, Murray personally directed programs that raised some $68 million. And thanks to his guidance and leadership, Adventist institutions were raising about $50 million in annual voluntary support at the time of his retirement.

Murray received the highest honor bestowed to fund raisers by the Association of Healthcare Philanthropy—the Si Seymour Award—in 1980. The National Society of Fund-Raising Executives (NSFRE) named him outstanding Fund Raiser in 1991. And he also received the Henry A. Rosso Award from the University of Indiana in 1992. Murray is the only person to obtain all three philanthropic awards.

Murray’s life and career were the focus of the 1992 book The Makings of a Philanthropic Fund Raiser: the Instructive Example of Milton Murray. In 1998 the United States Postal Service issued the “Giving and Sharing” postage stamp featuring philanthropy. This was the culmination of 27 years of effort and advocacy for the project by Murray.

Murray is a 1949 graduate of La Sierra University in Riverside, CA.

Read Original Story HERE

Harold Shryock, M.D.

Noted Physician-Educator
Harold Shryock, MD

Harold Shryock, M.D., 97, died March 3, 2004, at Loma Linda, California. He was a respected medical educator, college administrator, author, counselor, public speaker, and family patriarch.

Born Edwin Harold on April 14, 1906, in Seattle, Washington, Shryock grew up at Loma Linda, where his father, Alfred, became the sixth physician at the newly established College of Medical Evangelists (CME, now Loma Linda University). Harold married Daisy Bagwell in 1929, graduated from Pacific Union College, and completed his medical training at CME in 1933. He was asked to teach at CME three years later and did so for more than 40 years. He served as dean of the Loma Linda University School of Medicine from 1951-54 and chaired the Department of Anatomy from 1957-69.

Author of more than 600 magazine articles and 13 books, Shryock may be best remembered among Adventists for two volumes: On Becoming a Man and On Becoming a Woman.

His wife Daisy preceded him in death in 1992. He is survived by a daughter, Patricia Wallace; a son, Edward; 10 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren.

Richard T. Walden, MD, DVM,

Richard T. Walden, MD, DVM,

Richard T. Walden, MD, DVM, was born in Casper, Wyoming. Shortly thereafter, his family moved to San Jose, California, where he was raised.

During Dr. Walden's practice as a veterinarian, a young Seventh-day Adventist physician brought his wife's dog for care, providing Dr. Walden's first contact with Adventism. For years, he tried to disprove Adventist beliefs, but somehow always found himself surrounded by Adventists who were always willing to share the Gospel.

Even while he was in the army, he says, "The Lord surrounded me with Adventist soldiers."

Finally, after years of exposure to Adventists and study on his own, Dr. Walden was baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist faith while abroad.

Returning to the United States, he took pre-medical training at La Sierra College [now La Sierra University] in Riverside, and completed medical school at Loma Linda University, graduating in 1952.

During his many years at Loma Linda, he served as professor and chair of the department of preventive medicine, and assistant dean of the School until 1972.

Drs. Lemon and Walden are both viewed as a pioneers of the School, helping to establish the Adventist Health Study and other research into the effects of lifestyle on health and well-being.

For dedication to the ideal of excellence in research and scholarship, the School of Public Health offers Drs. Lemon and Walden the Distinguished Service Awards.

Frank R. Lemon, MD,

Frank R. Lemon, MD, was born in San Bernardino. In June of 1950, he graduated from the College of Medical Evangelists (CME)--now Loma Linda University--and interned at the United States Marine Hospital, San Francisco, as an officer in the United States Public Health Service, followed by a residency at the Contra Costa County Hospital located in Martinez.

During the latter part of 1951, Dr. Lemon moved his family to Wyoming and began private practice in the rural town of Greybull.

Two years later, after successfully establishing a busy practice in Greybull, Dr. Lemon answered a call to join the School of Tropical and Preventive Medicine at CME.

He was sent to Mexico City in order to gain experience in public health and tropical medicine. During his year there, he helped establish a field experience program for CME medical students.

Following his experience in Mexico, he attended Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, where he received his MPH degree.

In-mid 1955, Dr. Lemon returned to Loma Linda where he became assistant professor in the School of Tropical and Preventive Medicine. Here he developed both general health and parasitic studies among farm workers in the Imperial Valley and Native American inhabitants of the Navajo nation.

He also developed an epidemiological study titled "Causes of Death Among Seventh-day Adventists," which became known as the Adventist Mortality Study. Soon after, he was named chair of the department of preventive medicine in the University's School of Medicine.

Dr. Lemon received a grant which allowed him to set up a program to send medical students to various sites in North, South, and Central America in order to gain public health and mission experience. This particular program was an important part of his belief that CME was established to train "medical evangelists" to respond to the physical and spiritual needs of people around the world.

From 1964 through 1967, Dr. Lemon completed a residency in internal medicine at the Veterans Administration (VA) Hospital in Long Beach, and worked in private practice in the area.

In the fall of 1968, he moved to Lexington, Kentucky, to work for the University of Kentucky's medical school. During his 15 years there, he served as associate dean for graduate and continuing education and developed an internationally respected continuing education program for physicians.

He also served as assistant professor for the department of internal medicine, as well as professor of preventive medicine.

From 1983 to 1987, he served as associate chief of staff for education at the VA Hospital in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Returning to California in 1987, Dr. Lemon provided medical consultation to the Inland Health and Rehabilitation Center and the California State Department of Rehabilitation. Currently, he continues to work one day a week for the State Rehabilitation Department in Indio.

P. William Dysinger, MD, MPH

Doctor William (Bill) Dysinger


Loma Linda University School of Public Health News
March 23, 2000

School of Public Health names Alumnus of the Year and other award recipients

Read Full Story HERE

Receiving the School Distinguished Service Award for 1999-2000 was P. William Dysinger, MD, MPH.


P. William Dysinger, MD, MPH (right), and his wife, Yvonne, listen as Dr. Hart reads the plaque inscription naming Dr. Dysinger as recipient of the 1999-2000 Distinguished Service Award for the School of Public Health.

Dr. Dysinger was born in Bon Aqua, Tennessee, on May 24, 1927. He spent the first 20 years of his life in central and western Tennessee.

His father, Paul Claire Dysinger, was a businessman and farmer, alternating between doing very well financially--primarily in the bakery business--and donating money and time to Seventh-day Adventist self-supporting ventures. His mother, Mary, was a homemaker and nurse. He has one sister, Ruth, four years younger.

During his early years he was called Billy, and most of his stories about this time of his life revolve around driving tractors and farm life in the hills of Tennessee.

In 1947, Dr. Dysinger began college at Southern Missionary College (SMC, now known as Southern Adventist University) in Collegedale, Tennessee. During these years, he went by his first name, Paul.

His college years were busy with his premedical studies, student government activities, and a healthy social life. He graduated in 1951 as one of the first two SMC graduates accepted to the School of Medicine at Loma Linda.

Last year, he was granted the first Distinguished Service Award given by Southern Adventist University to one of its alumni.

Dr. Dysinger's matriculation at Loma Linda University School of Medicine was a major step forward and outward in his life. He did well in his coursework, was again active in student government, and helped to lead a camping group whose members spent a high percentage of weekends in the desert, mountains, or at the beach.

Upon graduating from Loma Linda in 1955, Dr. Dysinger moved across the country for a year of rotating internship at Washington Adventist Hospital in Washington, D.C.

It was during this year that he met Yvonne Mae Minchin. There was an immediate attraction that neither of them was bold enough to initially admit. After completing his internship year, he spent two years in the Public Health Service, first on the Blackfoot Indian Reservation in Montana, and then with the Navajo Indians in Arizona.

These years are full of stories about harrowing ambulance rides, emergency medical procedures, and other challenges faced by a young physician providing general medical care to a rural medically underserved population. Anecdotes also abound regarding his hobbies of airplane flying and finding fossils in remote desert locations.

During his Indian Health Service years, Dr. Dysinger continued a long-distance relationship with Ms. Minchin. She knew it was getting serious when he began to talk about his plans for international travel using the pronoun "we."

They were married on May 14, 1958, in Washington, D.C. Shortly after their wedding, they flew to Cambodia where Dr. Dysinger worked as the U.S. Embassy physician for two adventurous years. The Dysingers wasted no time starting a family--their first son, Edwin, was born 10 months after their wedding. It was during this time that Dr. Dysinger also developed his desire to pursue a career in public health and preventive medicine, as well as his lifelong interest in international health.

Upon completing his time with the U.S. State Department, Dr. Dysinger and his young family returned to Loma Linda where he spent close to a year doing research and helping to develop the School of Tropical Health and Hygiene, the precursor to the current School of Public Health.

Next, the family moved across country to Boston, where Dr. Dysinger completed his master's degree in public health at Harvard University. During this time his second son, Wayne, was born.

He next moved his family to a rural, isolated African mission hospital in Heri, Tanzania, where he spent two years developing a unique program to train pastors in health education and public health. During this time his third son, John, was born.

In 1964, the Dysinger family returned to the School of Public Health at Loma Linda where, except for regular forays back into the international health arena, Dr. Dysinger stayed for the next 23 years.

During his early years, he worked closely with Mervyn G. Hardinge, MD, PhD, DrPH, serving in a variety of capacities to help develop the School of Public Health as a viable and progressive entity. His primary title was associate dean for academic affairs, where his skills and efforts in program visioning and development were put to good use.

During his later years, Dr. Dysinger was one of the primary movers in establishing the department of international health, as well as the preventive medicine residency program. He always loved teaching, and was known for his innovative and organized approaches to education.

Dr. Dysinger's interest in international health and medical missionary work has always been a major force in his life. He spent three-month stints as a World Health Organization (WHO) fellow traveling through Africa, and as a relief worker during the Biafrian War in Nigeria.

He spent a year in Singapore (1972ø73) helping to develop a health education program for Southeast Asia Union College, and another year in Pakistan (1980ø 81) developing a rural health training program for Pakistan Union College.

He served two additional years in Tanzania (1978ø80), directing a countrywide "training the trainers" program in maternal and child health. This project developed out of a grant Dr. Dysinger wrote, which helped move the international health programs of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) to new levels of competence and service.

In 1988, the Dysingers moved back to Washington, D.C., where he served for five years as the international medical director for ADRA. During these years, he spent much of his time traveling around the world, and creating a remarkable record of successful grant applications for child survival projects in various corners of the earth.

In his travels, he has circled the globe too many times to count, visited more than 200 different countries, and developed an extensive collection of slides, anecdotes, and incidents that confirm his dedication to helping those in need.

In 1992, Dr. Dysinger and his wife retired and returned to the hills of Tennessee. They now own a beautiful 180-acre farm where he can drive his tractor anytime he wants.

But even in his retirement, he manages to stay busy, continuing to travel and serve his church and others. He now serves as the director of Development Services International (DSI), a nonprofit health evangelism organization. He has written a book and developed multimedia programs incorporating health and the "three angels messages," presented health evangelism seminars around the world using a syllabus he helped develop with the Adventist International Medical Society (AIMS), and continues to consult with Loma Linda University, ADRA, and Adventist Frontier Missions (AFM). He also recently spent a year in Yemen where he worked as ADRA country director.

Throughout his life, Dr. Dysinger has shown unwavering dedication to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and to LLU. His dedication has inspired generations of students as well as his family.

He has consistently chosen a commitment to family over all else in his life, and continues to support them in their family and career paths. P. William Dysinger is a fabulous father, a heroic husband, a dedicated physician, a committed Adventist Christian, a wonderful worker, an innovative visionary, and the kind of person who contributes and cares in every facet of life.


School of Public Health banquet celebrates School's 40th anniversary

By Heather Reifsnyder

In conjunction with its annual Healthy People conference, the School of Public Health hosted a 40th anniversary banquet March 7 in celebration of the School’s four decades.

About 185 people attended the banquet, including students, faculty, Healthy People attendees, some alumni, and some of the School’s former deans.

Retired faculty member P. William Dysinger, MD, MPH, was in attendance at the event. He is an emeritus associate dean of the School. Dr. Dysinger’s work with the School of Public Health goes back to the days when it was known as the School of Tropical and Preventive Medicine.

“It’s nice to see something that you helped start continue on,” Dr. Dysinger says.

To Read the Complete Story on LLU Public Health Department website - CLICK HERE

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halstead's Vision for STPM

"The scientific standing of a medical school is based upon the amount of high quality research work that is done and not by the number of graduates that it turns out each year."
- Bruce W. Halstead

The School of Tropical and Preventive Medicine, Loma Linda, CA

"With a school of tropical medicine C.M.E. (Loma Linda University) has an opportunity of making an outstanding contribution to the scientific world."
- Bruce W. Halstead

"Research will be encouraged .. Definite measures will be taken to make worthwhile contributions to some of the lesser known branches of medicine."
- Bruce W. Halstead

The Vision for the

School of Tropical and Preventive Medicine

As Presented by

Bruce W. Halstead


"The Medical Evangelist"

April 15, 1947

"We must push back the veil of medical ignorance through the efforts of Loma Linda graduates and faculty members engaged in what the scientific world has termed - research."
- Bruce W. Halstead

Architectural Drawing of the Proposed Building for
The School of Tropical and Preventive Medicine

"The spirit of research is catching. One of the greatest needs … is a powerful stimulus for research."
-Bruce W. Halstead

"The STPM will provide a greater stimulus toward directing the attention of both undergraduate and graduate students to a career in foreign mission work.
- Bruce W. Halstead

"The Medical Evangelist" April 15, 1947
Messages from CME President Walter Macpherson
and STPM Director Harold Mozar appear on
the front page. The Halstead message is on
page three with the artist rendering of
Proposed building is in centerfold

"At the present time one of the greatest weaknesses of the College of Medical Evangelists is that there is no direct contact between the teaching staff of the medical school and our outlying medical institutions in the tropics.

We do not have a mutual understanding of each others problems. How can we expect the undergraduate to dedicate his life to mission medicine when the instructor has never seen the fields that he is attempting to interest others in?"
- Bruce W. Halstead

"The Medical Evangelist" April 15, 1947
Page Three with message of Halstead's Vision
for Loma Linda and the STPM

"As a denomination we have one of the most extensive medical mission programs in the world. We are in a position to carry on extensive statistical studies, yet we have never taken advantage of our opportunities."
- Bruce W. Halstead

The Medical Evangelist
APRIL, 15, 1947
Number 20



Bruce W. Halstead

The School of Tropical and Preventive Medicine offers more to the College of Medical Evangelist than just the promise of becoming another denominational training school. The sole purpose of the College of Medical Evangelists is to serve humanity. The very existence and future of the medical school depends upon its ability to achieve this humanitarian goal.

There are only two ways in which a medical school may serve humanity:

(1) it may produce graduates who are willing to dedicate their lives to the purpose of serving areas in need of medical help. The denomination has chosen to designate this as medical missionary work.

(2) It may push back the veil of medical ignorance through the efforts of its graduates and faculty members. The scientific world has termed this research.

The School of Tropical and Preventive Medicine has three distinct offers to make to the College of Medical Evangelists:

(1) It will provide a greater stimulus toward directing the attention of both undergraduate and graduate students to a career in foreign mission work. This channeling of interests will be accomplished by various modalities. The faculty members of this school will be required to spend a portion of their time in tropical mission fields. This, the problems of the tropics become the problems of the faculty members of the school. More determined efforts will be made in interesting individuals in mission medicine because of the very nature of the school., it will be possible to expose the students to the problems of mission medicine in a good coordinated exposure program.

At the present time one of the greatest weaknesses of the College of Medical Evangelists is that there is no direct contact between the teaching staff of the medical school and our outlying medical institutions in the tropics. We do not have a mutual understanding of each others problems. How can we expect the undergraduate to dedicate his life to mission medicine when the instructor has never seen the fields that he is attempting to interest other in?

(2) Research will be encouraged and in most instances the full time faculty will be required to submit a paper on at least one major research project a year. Definite measures will be taken to make worthwhile contributions to some of the lesser known branches of medicine. The spirit of research is catching. One of the greatest needs of our pre-clinical division is a powerful stimulus for research. The School of Tropical and Preventive Medicine will help to supply this need. The scientific standing of a medical school is based upon the amount of high quality research work that is done and not by the number of graduates that it turns out each year. As a denomination we have one of the most extensive medical mission programs in the world. We are in a position to carry on extensive statistical studies, yet we have never taken advantage of our opportunities. It also means that we are in a position to carry on tropical research studies at a minimum of expense. With a school of tropical medicine C.M.E. has an opportunity of making an outstanding contribution to the scientific world.

(3) One of the greatest cries of the administration of the College of Medical Evangelists is that we are short of funds and that we must find ways of obtaining finances. The School of Tropical and Preventive Medicine will make accessible to the medical school funds which would not be available in any other way. Tropical medicine is of international importance and is not limited in its scope by either national or denominational boundaries.

Foundation grants for studies in tropical medicine are available from various organizations. We should take advantage of them. With the expansion of American interests into the tropics, tropical medicine has become of the utmost importance to the military and industrial economy of our nation. With the establishment of The School of Tropical and Preventive Medicine, C.M.E. takes a step in the right direction towards becoming an outstanding educational institution of this nation.

Bruce W. Halstead
April 15, 1947


STPM - Officers, Faculty, and Staff

The Following lists of STPM ‘Administrative Officers‘ and the ‘Faculty of Instruction and Staff’ are what is listed under “Our Personnel (1950-1951)“ in “A Report To Our Friends 1951” a publication of the School of Tropical and Preventive Medicine, College of Medical Evangelists, Loma Linda, California.

Administrative Officers

Walter E. Macpherson, B.A., M.D., D.N.B, F.A.C.P.,
President, Loma Linda College of Medical Evangelist

Harold Shryock, B.S., M.D., M.A., D.N.B.,

John C. Shull,

Harold N. Mozar, M.D., D.N.B.,
Director, School of Tropical and Preventive Medicine

Chester Fink,

Faculty of Instruction and Staff

Donald H. Abbott, B.S., M.D., D.N.B., F.A.C.S., L.R.C.P.&S.
(Edin.), F.I.C.S., Instructor, Clinical Tropical Medicine

*Kenneth Arakawa, B.A.,
Research Fellow, Department of Microbiology (Parasitology)

*Edward Azarowicz, B.S., M.A.,
Research Fellow, Department of Ichthyology and Herpetology

Gordon B. Beckner, B.S., M.D., D.N.B., D.T.M.&H. (Lond.), L.R.C.P.&S.,
Instructor, Clinical Tropical Medicine

*Norman Bunker, M.A.
Research Fellow, Department of Ichthyology and Herpetology

Joseph L. Cummins, B.A., B.S., M.D.,
Instructor, Clinical Tropical Medicine

*Kenneth Groves, B.S., M.A.,
Research Fellow, Department of Ichthyology and Herpetology

*Bruce W. Halstead, B.A., M.D.,
Head, Department of ichthyology and Herpetology

John Kessel, Ph.D.,
Visiting Lecturer, Clinical Tropical Medicine

*Dallas B. Kittle, B.A., M.D.,
Instructor, Department of Clinical Tropical Medicine (Tropical Nutrition)

*Robert D. Lee, B.S.,
Research Fellow, Department of Entomology

Joseph Franklin Montague, M.D., F.A.C.S.,
Visiting Lecturer, Clinical Tropical Medicine

*Harold N. Mozar, M.D., D.N.B.,
Head, Department of Clinical Tropical Medicine

*Raymond Ryckman, B.S.
Head, Department of Entomology

*Curtis Perkins, B.A.,
Assistant, Department of Microbiology

Dunbar W. Smith, B.S., M.D., D.N.B., D.T.M.&H.,
Instructor, Clinical Tropical Medicine.

*Edward Wagner, B.A., M.S.,
Acting Head, Department of Microbiology

Edward A. Westphal, B.S. M.D., D.N.B.
Instructor, Clinical Tropical Medicine

Chester Wong, B.A.,
Instructor, Department of Microbiology

*Full-time in School of Tropical and Preventive Medicine